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Your membership in CTANA and AANA gives you access to unique business partners who offer special promotions, discounted products, and customized service. Take advantage of these member benefits today!


Member Advantage Program
AANA members enjoy exclusive offers from trusted partners who support our mission to advance patient safety, practice excellence, and the nurse anesthesia profession.


National CRNA Week
Show your pride for the profession and build public awareness. AANA provides members materials and promotional items to help celebrate.


In Service to our Country
AANA proudly recognizes CRNAs who serve in the different branches of US military. Learn more about what your peers are doing here and abroad.


Membership Matters
Learn how AANA membership helps advance the profession.


AANA CRNA Education Edge

AANA provides continuing education (CE) courses to all members online for nurse anesthesiologists to remain industry leaders together with the National Board of Certification & Recertification for Nurse Anesthetists. CE credits can be earned online or in-person educational programs.


Helpful Links


AANA Foundation
The AANA Foundation supports the CRNA profession by awarding education and research grants to students, faculty and practicing CRNAs. Learn more about the Foundation, how you can give and how you can access support.


American Association of Nurse Anesthesiology
AANA represents more than 61,000 CRNAs and SRNAs throughout the nation. Learn more about your national organization and how it works for you. More


CRNA Political Action Committee (CRNA PAC)
AANA's CRNA PAC supports the association's helps support political candidates and current lawmakers who support the CRNA practice. Political party affiliations and stances on other issues are not considered when supporting candidates with PAC funds. PAC contributions are not tax deductible.

Connecticut APRN Licensure and Regulations
The Connecticut Department of Public Health provides information about licensing APRN licensing requirements, online licensing renewal and much more.


Connecticut Advanced Practice Registered Nurse Society (CTAPRNS)

CTAPRNS works to promote education and collaboration between Connecticut APRNs and physicians, other healthcare providers, educators, administrators, consumers, lawmakers and other stakeholders to improve the quality, delivery and access to healthcare for the citizens of Connecticut.


Connecticut Nurses Association
The Connecticut Nurses Association influences nursing and healthcare on a local, state and national level. As the state leader in accredited professional development, healthcare advocacy and policy development, their collective work shapes the future of nursing and health.


New England Assembly of Nurse Anesthetists (NEANA)
NEANA serves CRNAs and SRNAs in the northeast region of the U.S. Each year, NEANA hosts its Spring Conference, a 3-day event that offers continuing education credits, networking and industry updates. A must-attend event!

National Board of Certification and Re-certification for
Nurse Anesthetists (NBCRNA)

NBCRNA is a not-for-profit corporation dedicated to promoting patient safety by enhancing provider quality in the field of nurse anesthesia. NBCRNA accomplishes its mission through the development and implementation of credentialing programs that support lifelong learning among nurse anesthetists.


The Future of Nurse Anesthesia Care Today
The Future of Nurse Anesthesia Care Today was developed by AANA as an online resource aimed at helping consumers, patients, lawmakers and others learn more about CRNAs and the critical role they play in providing exceptional anesthesia care and pain management in all healthcare settings.

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